About Us

The company "ZUBR-2000" was founded in 2000 and has gained recognition in the market of hardwood timber.

We strive for the highest quality of products and adhere to all standards of the State Forest Management of Ukraine, and we also hold a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification.

This certification confirms our compliance with European standards and our commitment to sustainable forestry.

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    lumber sales zubr2000 Ukranian зубр2000 продаж пиломатеріали Україна
    Our Products
    Contact Us
    Manager :
    +38 097 136-20-00
    Director :
    +38 067 674-58-43
    Email :
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    lumber sales zubr2000 Ukranian зубр2000 продаж пиломатеріали Україна